High Protein Foods

Protein is presented from both animal and plant sources. It’s suggested that on average you consume at least 50 grams of Protein per day. But it’s also important to make sure you are eating food high in protein in order to get the highest benefits. High quality protein in food is important to keep your energized, full between meals, and try to keep your body functioning. Most protein is come from animals such as eggs, dairy and meat. However, if you choose a vegan diet you can get just as much protein from one-half cup of beans as a 3 oz steak.

Protein can help you drop those unwanted pounds and keep your belly full. But it's very much important to eat the right amount and the right kind of protein to get the health benefits.

High Protein Foods are

  • Beans- As mention before, one half cup of beans contain as an ounce of broiled steak or as much protein as a 3 oz steak! Plus, these nutritious nuggets are full with fiber to keep you feeling full for hours. Beans are a cheap, easy solution to just about any meal. Try black beans in a taco for your lunch or a side of Lima beans with your dinner.

  • Eggs- Eggs are one of the smallest costly forms of protein.  One egg contains 6 grams of protein. Eggs also contain many very important vitamins and minerals and all of the essential amino acids. An egg over-easy is a nice breakfast or try a poached egg with spinach for dinner. The American Heart Association says standard healthy adults can enjoy an egg in safety in a day.

  • Dairy- Cheese, Milk and yogurt are all protein rich foods. Milk contains more than 6.3 grams of high quality protein! Dairy foods also contain calcium, which is great for teeth and strong bones.

  • Seafood- Seafood is an outstanding source of protein because it's usually very low in fat. Seafood is a nice way to get high quality protein. Salmon fish contain Omega-3 Fatty Acids, which is really good for the brain and heart. Try salmon with brown rice and kale for an really healthy, protein charged dinner. 

  • Soy- Soy is a great form of protein for   vegetarians. 25 grams of soy protein can reduce the risk of heart disease and Fifty grams of soy protein daily can help lower cholesterol about 3%.   
  • White-Meat Poultry- White meats such as chicken are high in protein low fat foods. The white meat of poultry for excellent, but dark meat is a little higher in fat. The skin is contained with saturated fat, so take out skin before cooking. 

  • Beef- Beef is an excellent source of high quality protein. Beef contain  25 grams of protein and has- iron,  zinc and vitamin B12. 
Be confirming to buy fresh, healthy food choices to ensure the maximum benefits of high quality protein. If you eat every meal with a small piece  of protein you’ll feel less hungry during the day and be less tempted to overeat on junk food. You’ll also notice your energy power levels rising and if coupled with exercise, you’ll eventually have tone, lean muscle. High qualities Protein important in any diet and with so many choices of protein to choose from the meal possibilities are endless.

This following Table chart shows you protein content in some typical foods.
Table:- High Protein Foods